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Message from Our President:

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Welcome to the Junior Charity League of Concord (JCL)!
I have the honor of serving as President of the JCL for our 2024-2025 League year. I am thrilled that you have found your way to our organization whether you are just looking for information or looking to become a member.
Service to community has always been an important part of my life. Originally from Reidsville, NC, my mother was a member of the League there, and I learned at an early age the importance of giving back to the community. I moved to the Charlotte area in 2010 and to Cabarrus County in 2015. As a working mom to three young boys, I sought out the JCL to learn more about the Concord area. Since joining the League I have had the opportunity to support the community I live in and where I raise my family. And I’ve grown an incredible group of like-minded and lifelong friends. The JCL has been a place for me to develop personally and professionally while continuing to discover so much about our community and the organizations so eager to support its growth.
The 2024-2025 League year begins with a renewed focus on the League’s primary philanthropic endeavor, Clothes from the Heart. Clothes from the Heart is the League’s annual campaign to collect funds for the Mariam C. Schramm Clothing Room which clothes over XXX school aged children in Cabarrus County each year.
As the year unfolds we look forward to our annual holiday gift wrap fundraising, hosting our new signature “Galentines Day” event in February and continuing the tradition of hand painted Easter eggs and Safety Town.
We invite you to join us – New Members, Actives and Sustainers – this League year as we focus on the basics and prepare for continued growth and building our legacy.
Learn more about becoming a member of the JCL, consider sponsorship or support our work by contributing to our general fund.
We appreciate your support. Welcome to the JCL.
Rebecca Carter

About Us:

The Junior Charity League of Concord is a thriving organization of volunteers including professional women, homemakers, and business owners with the common goal of assisting local children.


2024-2025 Board:

President: Rebecca Carter

First Vice President: Randy Hopkins

Second Vice President: Christine Schattner

Treasurer: Cassandra Brooks

Secretary: Christina Wright

Clothing Room Chair: Alisha Wilson & Becky Overcash

Executive Support Directors: Chrissy Hayes, Robin Anonick, Susan Guill Smith

Interested in joining the
Junior Charity League?

The Junior Charity League has...


  • Served hungry children in local schools by providing soup, crackers, and milk


  • Sponsored baby care courses for expectant mothers with the American Red Cross


  • Conducted speech therapy clinics

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