Get Involved:

The Junior Charity League thrives today because of the support of our members and sustainers! Their continued dedication allows the League to serve the children of Cabarrus County in impactful ways.
Are you an energetic, friendly community member looking to connect with other women and uphold our mission? We would love to have you! Learn more using the buttom below and downloading the new member information sheet.

Get involved by organizing a donation drive or by purchasing products an dropping them off to our facility. Here are some urgent needs:
Shampoo (15 oz bottles)
- Toothpaste (4-6 oz)
- New Coats (boys and girls size Medium or Large)
To learn more, inquire below.

There is always something going on at the JCL! If we are not working hard at raising funds and awareness, we might be serving students in the the Clothing Room or wrapping presents at Concord Mills! There is truly something for everyone to do and support the JCL.
Volunteering to work League events
Collecting donations for the Clothing Room
Organizing a club fundraiser at school
Developing a philanthropic project through Eagle Scouts or Girl Scouts